Hello Awesome People! 🚀
Drum-roll, please... 🥁 Today marks the beginning of an incredible journey as we proudly commence rolling out the much-awaited 10101 beta to the lucky few from our ever-growing wait list! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and are grateful for your participation.
As much as we'd love to include everyone at once, we're staggering the access to make sure each one of you enjoys the smoothest experience with no hiccups.
In case you were not contacted as part of the first batch just yet- don't worry! We'll be continually adding more delighted users while we iron out any issues and power up our infrastructure further. So hold tight, your turn is just around the corner! 🎢
Did you miss signing up for our beta program? 😳 Don't fret! Time is still on your side - sign up right away! 🕐
👉 Follow this link to join the party: https://10101.finance
Once again, thank you for being part of bringing self-custodial trading to the world - the future is here! Let's enjoy the ride together! 🎉
Team 10101